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Connected Planning

Imagine being able to ask someone for a plan, and instead of just numbers, they reveal the driving forces behind it. That’s where you step in with your role in FP&A.


At its heart, FP&A isn’t just about finance, it’s about connected planning. It’s about ensuring that across the entire organization, everyone is aligned—knowing exactly what drives their plan and how it impacts the company’s financial health.


When everyone has access to real-time, reliable data, decision-making becomes powerful and strategic.

The technology that powers this connected planning needs to be rock-solid, giving your business the freedom to pivot, adapt, and innovate.

That’s when transformation happens, when planning isn’t just a task, but a force that shapes the future of the company.

Anaplan has a proven track record of driving connected planning transformations.

Are you one of Anaplan customers already?


Read further and learn how to successfully implement and maintain your Anaplan solution through its lifecycle.



Implementing Anaplan?
Focus on Four cornerstones

After Go-Live?
Master Anaplan Maintenance Cycle

Why involve Anaplan Solution Architect

Involving a Solution Architect in your Anaplan project is like having a seasoned pilot at the controls—experience is everything. Solution Architects are required to have at least three years of hands-on experience in Anaplan, having built models from scratch and managed complex projects. Their deep expertise makes them invaluable during both implementation and post-go-live support.


Anaplan’s flexibility means that every solution is custom-built to fit the unique needs of the business.

This is where Solution Architects shine, blending the four Anaplan cornerstones—process, data, user experience, and model architecture—into a seamless whole.

They take the business requirements, evaluate available data (including its quality), and design the best model architecture to meet those needs, all while ensuring the user experience is optimized to drive adoption.


During implementation, the Solution Architect orchestrates the entire process, guiding the project toward success. Post-go-live, their role doesn’t end.

Solution Architects are crucial for long-term Anaplan CoE success, as they help maintain the model through regular cleanup, optimize change requests, and coach teams to get the best out of their Anaplan solution.

They are also a key player in brainstorming ways to enhance user experience and implement best practices.


Weather you need a Solution Architect for implementation or ongoing maintenance

Let me help you
on your
Anaplan journey

Empowering Businesses

Empowering your Anaplan users and Model Builders through training isn’t as simple as handing them a manual and hoping for the best—it’s a two-way street. Successful training happens when expectations, preferences, availability, and motivation are all in sync.

In my training approach, we always start with the real-world FP&A needs and then translate them into Anaplan-speak.

The key to success is finding the right level of involvement. Sometimes, users just need senior-level expertise on standby to answer their questions, like a lifeline when they’re knee-deep in a model. Other times, it's best to do the work for them first, then walk them through it step by step.

That’s why my offering for you includes three flavors:

  • DIY (Do It Yourself),

  • DWY (Done With You),

  • and DFY (Done For You).

And, of course, there’s an online learning option to support all three. Because let’s face it, sometimes it’s easier to learn with a little guidance, and sometimes you just need someone else to take the lead first!

Do It Yourself

DIY training with a Solution Architect is like bringing in a pro coach for a few days every month or two. They swoop in to unstick your model builders, spark new ideas, and share the latest Anaplan innovations that could boost your specific use case. We plan these coaching sessions in advance, but if urgent questions pop up, we can tackle those too. This setup works best when your model builders are already skilled in Anaplan, because the execution and change management remain their responsibility. The Solution Architect is there to guide, inspire, and share insights, but your team takes the lead on getting things done. It’s all about giving your team that extra boost of expertise while keeping the momentum in their hands.

with You

For DWY the frequency of meetings isn't necessarily more than DIY—it all depends on how much support and improvement your team needs. However, the approach is different. The Solution Architect first dives deep into your model, and together with you creates a detailed plan for the required changes. Then, we plan a session to both explain the changes and execute them alongside your model builders. During this session, your team handles the execution while the Solution Architect is present to guide them, offering training and best practices in real-time. This method takes more time for the Solution Architect, from preparing the plan to attending the session, meaning fewer tasks are completed compared to DFY (Done For You). But the benefit is clear: your model builders gain practical experience, boosting their skills and preparing them for a more independent DIY approach in the future.

For You

DFY is the go-to option when speed and cost-effectiveness are the top priorities. In this approach, the Solution Architect takes full control, executing the task independently. Once completed, it will be explain how everything was done and what you’ll need to keep it running smoothly moving forward. This method is the most hands-off for your team, with less focus on learning and more on simply getting things done quickly and efficiently. It’s a one-way street in terms of involvement, but sometimes that’s exactly what you need—a fast, reliable solution without the extra steps.


Anaplan Coaching

The Training Your Model Builders Will Love


Let's Kick Things Off and Establish Trust

First up, we start with an intake day—think of it as a deep dive into your business, software, and data landscape. I’ll assess where you’re at and put together a roadmap to help you reach your Anaplan goals. Whether you're aiming to build a CoE, expand your model builders team, or simply cut back on external support, we’ll figure out the best way forward. Maybe we even tackle Anaplan adoption like a fitness coach trying to get end users off the couch.


Execution: Communication is Key

Then, it's go time! Once we’re in execution mode, the name of the game is communication. Timely feedback keeps things from going off track. If something’s not clicking, we talk about it—because, let’s face it, if we’re not on the same page, the project could end up like a jigsaw puzzle with missing pieces. It’s all about making sure expectations meet reality.


Commitment: Time to Make It Official

Next, we make it a commitment! We’ll align on budget, time allocation, and get management on board. The key question is: Are we going DIY, DWY, DFY—or mixing it up? Your team's needs will determine the formula. It’s a bit like choosing between cooking a meal yourself, cooking together, or just ordering takeout. Each has its perks.


The Finish Line: What’s Next?

Finally, when we reach the end of the road, we’ll sit down for a wrap-up. We’ll celebrate the wins and take stock of what’s next. Whether it’s fine-tuning your Anaplan model or prepping your team for the next big thing, we’ll pave the way for future success. Because, really, who doesn’t love planning the next adventure?

Build your best model in Anaplan with Online Learning

Anaplan Model Craft

Practical FP&A Technics


Hands-On Training with Real-Life Production Models

No demo-models, no learning templates, just exactly how it is done in real life. Gain practical experience by working through 9 use cases and 20+ detailed FP&A modelling techniques, designed to reflect real-world scenarios and challenges.


Confidence to Manage and Optimize Models

Develop the skills to independently manage and optimize your Anaplan models without fear of breaking anything, ensuring maximum value from your Anaplan investment.

This part of knowledge, I believe, is the least accessible to Model Builders and usually lacks a structured approach—making it even more crucial to master.


Master Best Practices and Advanced Techniques

While there’s plenty of material available on Anaplan Community, it’s easy to get lost in it—that’s where expert guidance can make all the difference. Learn the latest best practices for building, maintaining, and enhancing Anaplan models from a seasoned Master Anaplanner.


Who is this training designed for?

Anaplan Client Model Builders: especially those who are expected to maintain and upgrade their models after project implementation.

FP&A Professionals: Looking to leverage Anaplan for financial planning and analysis.

Anaplan Partner Model Builders: of all levels wanting to deepen their practical FP&A techniques.

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FP&A Use Cases

FP&A Data Hub

Improved FP&A Dat Hub efficiency with well-organized data architecture and faster data processing.

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